
Create or Renew Your Membership

The trusted voice for Miami-Dade County’s diverse legal community for over 100 years.
In the legal profession, it is essential to be a part of an organization that supports you. The Miami Dade Bar (MDB) supports its members in many ways, but some of the most important aspects are the abundant networking opportunities, high quality and timely continuing legal education, and leadership development opportunities for attorneys, to help you GROW your practice, GAIN experience and GIVE back. Whether you are in a small firm or large firm, practice in the area of family law or tax law, the MDB can help you in your practice.

Miami-Dade Bar Association (MDB) is THE LARGEST and most innovative voluntary bar association in South Florida. We have new, exciting programs that connect with lawyers’ diverse interests and provide added value.

Benefits of Joining

Give back and serve your community, aiding and receiving wisdom from your fellow attorneys. Not only will you gain valuable legal experience with MDB, but also receive ample opportunity to complete requisite Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits to maintain your good standing with the Florida Bar.

Grow your practice with our attorney referral service. New potential clients are mailed to our members each day, providing daily prospects for your law firm or solo practice.

Network. For over a century we have been the largest network of attorneys in South Florida. Boasting over 160 events and seminars annually, the MDB has Something for Everyone!

Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits to maintain your good standing with the Florida Bar.


Membership Levels

Regular Member:  

An attorney practicing within Miami-Dade County, including as a mediator, arbitrator. 

Associate Member: 

A member of The Florida Bar who is not actively engaged in the practice of law in Miami-Dade County or is admitted to practice before the highest court of any state or the District of Columbia or a United States Territory, or foreign country or jurisdiction. 

Government Member:  

A lawyer employed by the United States, or a public entity established by law to practice within the course and the scope of the lawyer’s employment. 


A lawyer who has either been appointed or elected to the position of Judge. 

Paralegal Members:  

Any person who is a Florida Registered Paralegal, a certified paralegal by the National Federation of Paralegal Associations or the National Association of Legal Assistants.  

Law Student Member: 

Any person enrolled as a student at an ABA-accredited law school, or a law school for which ABA accreditation is pending. 

Auxiliary Member: 

An individual and/or corporate entity who is not actively licensed and/or engaged in the practice of law. 

Create or Renew Your Membership

The trusted voice for Miami-Dade County’s diverse legal community for over 100 years.


Miami-Dade Bar
150 W. Flagler Street, Suite 1675
Miami, Florida 33130