
Written by Jaime Leggett, Esq. Many smaller businesses face substantial financial troubles, but think that their legal options are limited. However, the results of Subchapter V are showing that not to be the case. Rather, Subchapter V is proving to be a cost-effective and efficient option, allowing businesses to address their debts more quickly while...
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The announcement, which comes as the Company celebrates its 35th anniversary, marks the third year in a row during which the Florida Lawyers Mutual Board of Directors has declared a dividend for qualifying members. Oviedo, FL — Florida Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company announced this month that its Board of Directors has declared a dividend to...
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In the vast and varied world of trial strategy, attorneys are constantly seeking innovative strategies to build a compelling case. One increasingly popular approach is live jury pool vetting, a powerful tool that allows defense teams to gather comprehensive information about prospective jurors. This technique involves utilizing a team of private investigators to obtain and...
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The Miami Downtown Development Authority (Miami DDA) has announced a milestone for its Small Business Permit Clinic in Downtown Miami. Following the launch of the program in February, more than 150 small businesses have now received assistance to move their operation forward. In addition, of those businesses assisted, 20 have been issued a formal Certificate...
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How mentoring can help retain women and other minorities in their respective professions Recent years have brought about many changes for women and other minorities in the workplace. However, they still face many challenges when it comes to moving up ranks in the offices and firms that employ them. Why is that? While there are...
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Holiday season is officially upon us, which means the return of end of the year happy hours, social club mixers, late family dinners, and frankly just more alcohol. For our collective safety, let’s all be mindful, drink responsibly, and stay off the roads as much as possible. For lawyers, restaurant and bar owners, and those...
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Supplementary proceedings, which are found in Florida Statutes Section 56.29, are designed to be a vehicle for judgment creditors to satisfy their judgments against debtors by allowing creditors to seek interests or funds of the judgment debtor that may be held by others. While the statute provides for an efficient process by which creditors can...
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